Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Athlete of the Week

Just want to say a few things before I share Cindy's story with all of you. Cindy has been coming to the 5:30AM T/Th Crossfit class since March of last year. She has been the most consistent and one of the hardest working people in the class. She does everything I ask of her and never complains and gives everything she's got despite being 7 months pregnant. She has made great strides since joining and hasn't slowed down. Here is a little more about her.
I am now just entering the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy -- 28 weeks (the 7th month) starts this Thursday. I am due on September 16. I started crossfitting in March 2009. I signed up for coach Zachary's class after trying out a free workout with his sister Carey. I was hooked after that workout, but I had no idea what was in store for me when I joined the class. It started out rough, but after 6 weeks, I finally fell into a groove and I started to notice I was stronger, faster and leaner. I used to only be able to do jumping pull ups -- now I'm easily kipping with a band. I used to hate running, and I could barely run 1/2 a mile. Before I got pregnant, I was running 5 miles with no trouble. I also re-assessed my nutrition, and within months of joining CC, I stopped being a vegetarian and slowly started turning to a primal/paleo diet. That's when I noticed the biggest difference in my body. Between diet and Crossfit, I dropped 10 pounds in 6 weeks without even trying! I'm still mostly paleo, and I think that's helping me keep the pregnancy weight gain under control. I gained 40 pounds in the first 6 months of my first pregnancy 4 years ago -- it was kind of out of control and my doctor sent me to a nutritionist. This time, I've so far gained 12, and I'm not trying to "diet" or anything. I think best things that Crossfit has done for me are mental.I used to think I was weak. I used to ask my husband to lift heavy things around the house. I used to shun anything heavier than 5 pound weights because I thought I'll NEVER be strong enough and I don't want to be bulky. Now I know I can be strong, and I love feeling strong. I also benefit from surrounding myself with a community of people who believe in themselves and believe in me. There's nothing like the support I get in that 5:30am class, from the coach and my classmates. And it didn't just start when I got pregnant. Having a group of people cheer you on is incredible motivation to push yourself to do the best you can do and be the best you can be.
Thanks Cindy, it is a pleasure to coach you and play a small role in your success and transforming your life. Keep up the good work!

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1 comment:

bcmagg said...

awesome post, keep it up!