Monday, May 10, 2010

Back To Basics

First, let me apologize for the lack of blogging here recently. Could make excuses, but just plainly I've been lazy. Just had to get that out of the way. So two weeks ago a crew of Central coaches traveled to Dirty Jersey to train with the one and only Zach Evan-Esh. Zach is one cool dude even for a Yankee! He is the owner of Underground Strength and it is bad ass. He coaches junior high to college athletes and has them working like machines. I got to watch his athletes train and it is not stop movement from the word go! I learned much and have been implementing much of what I learned into my own training. If you were to walk in to Zach's gym you would think, this isn't crossfit. I want to break it to many of you that there are other ways to train yourselves besides just straight crossfit. There was old school dumbbells, kettle bells, ropes, prowlers and sleds and we used them all. It was a blast! Oh, and there were no bumper plates, go figure. In a word many of you have been hearing lately it was SIC! Look for it to be implemented in a new gym many of have also been hearing about soon!

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Lory said...

New goal: Do chest to deck push ups with a chain around my neck.

Zachary Thiel said...

Do it Lory!