1. It is essential for you to start your day off with a good breakfast to refuel your body after your "sleep fast" and to get your brain working for the day. I usually eat eggs with any combo of peppers, onions, sausage, spinach, zucchini, mushrooms. Cooked in organic virgin coconut oil, of course.
2. Make an effort to cook and store protein, fruit/vegg and fats that are easy to assemble for snacks and meals. Especially if you are a busy person. See how Melissa "Melicious" Joulwan gets ready for the upcoming week of paleo eating here!
3. Make the time to get out and shop at your closest farmer's market. We shop at the year round FM at the Triangle on Wed. from 3-7pm. They have fresh and local fruit, vegg, pastured eggs, chicken, pork, beef and all kinds of pesticide and additive free Whole Foods! They also have live music and a huge area for your kids and pets to play in the grass or in the water fountain!
Articles/Sites of Interest:
-Top 15 chemical additives in your food.
-The dirty dozen: shoppers guide to pesticides.
-FOOD INC. :A must see!
went by the Natural Grocers on Guadalupe today, very good prices on meat as well as a lot of local produce. $4.50 a lb for bison, can't beat that!
Thanks for all this great advice. I'm starting to feel more and more like I can do this. :-)
Thanks for the shout-out, Zach!
Good stuff Zach.
Kris- You're right, Natural Grocers is awesome! Check out their fresh-ground almond butter... $4.49/lb!
Eggs cooked in coconut oil are SO good! Best eggs in Austin are the white carton eggs at wheatsville. $3.79, local, pastured, sooo good
Suzette- you can totally do this!!
-Kris have to check that place out, heard lots of good things about it.
-Suzette, of course you can do it! Just decide to do it.
-Mel, I Love Your Blog! It's a pleasure to give you a shout-out!
Great Blog, Zach! I didn't know that about Nitrite to Nitrate conversion.
[... ] is another interesting source on this issue[...]
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