Ashley Thiel
"Being healthy and fit just gives you a whole new perspective on life, but it's not just that. The atmosphere at CrossFit Central is one that actively promotes bettering yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This has intentionally or unintentionally created a little voice inside of me that says today and every day that I AM healthy, I AM fit, I AM an athlete, I CAN do things that I never thought that I could do, life IS AWESOME!"

Though reluctant at first to join CrossFit, Ashley made the commitment and has seen amazing results!
"Prior to joining CrossFit Central I was working a lot as a server and living a pretty unhealthy lifestyle which included a lot of not caring what I ate, not working out and a lovely smoking habit. Physically the only thing that I can say I did that took any kind of effort was being on my feet at work. I lacked confidence in my abilities, I had a negative body image and I always had an excuse why I couldn't or didn't want to do crossfit."
"Since Joining the CrossFit Central community I have done things that I never imagined that I would do. This summer I think that I have seen the most results of any time since I started to crossFit. I began to eat paleo/zone along with CrossFit Central indoor classes and within two months my body changed more than I ever thought it could. I truly believe the things that I have learned at Central about health and wellness as well as getting me in the best shape of my life and introducing me to so many amazingly uplifting and positive people - is priceless."
"I am now 21 weeks pregnant now and have been faithfully crossFitting the entire time and plan on going as long as my body will let me. Thankfully crossFit is amazing and molds to any one's abilities and needs. I believe that continuing to work out helps me every day with my energy level, my self image and will ultimately help me in my labor/birth/recovery. I also believe that by staying active during my pregnancy will help me be able to return to CFCentral sooner and get my pre-pregnancy body back faster!"
thats awesome! What a beautiful woman and an inspiration!
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