The one, the only Carey Kepler! Yes, she is a stud and a mother of two wonderful future little crossfitters. Carey you might say is in a league of her own. She has qualified for the Boston Marathon and competed in a full blown Iron Man. Here is the deal about Carey, she is unproven. The two little tikes she has had prevented her from really dedicating her self to the sport of crossfit, until now. She has been able to put in the time and work to build her strength and hone in on her skill's. Look for Carey to outdo the other girls in her field, and I seriously doubt they can compete with her mix of stamina and strength. All in all, I wouldn't be surprised to see Carey earn the title Most Fit Women in the World. Go dominate Carey!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Super Women!!!!
The one, the only Carey Kepler! Yes, she is a stud and a mother of two wonderful future little crossfitters. Carey you might say is in a league of her own. She has qualified for the Boston Marathon and competed in a full blown Iron Man. Here is the deal about Carey, she is unproven. The two little tikes she has had prevented her from really dedicating her self to the sport of crossfit, until now. She has been able to put in the time and work to build her strength and hone in on her skill's. Look for Carey to outdo the other girls in her field, and I seriously doubt they can compete with her mix of stamina and strength. All in all, I wouldn't be surprised to see Carey earn the title Most Fit Women in the World. Go dominate Carey!
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You know, not everyone believes me when I say that I have the best coaches in the world. That is not just a phrase of endearment, I'm F*%#2! serious...I have the BEST coaches IN THE WORLD!!! I can't wait for the ladies to see Carey at the games. Her ability is next level. unbelievable.
well said Zachy!
thank you bro. much love
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